Even though a massive amount of negative info regarding climate change science, or lack there of, has been hacked or whistle blown out of East Anglia University's Climate Change Unit, no one seems to care. Al Gore's hockey sticks have been proven to be a fraud & yet he is still the Sage of Environmentalism & his Carbon Market Schemes continue to come closer & closer to reality. The people seem comfortable with their fate. BTW: You cannot stop pollution by making it profitable. There will not be a positive environmental change if Wall Street trades carbon offsets.
I say
Stop blaming us. Our children, cars & lifestyles cannot even come close to matching the pollution of the Military Industrial Conquistadors. Stop importing everything from China & watch pollution diminish from the lack of transpacific shipping alone. This of course is impossible because if we stopped buying Chinese Slave Made Goods then we would find America fighting a war against Chinese Debt Collectors.
Hey Government instead of spending a trillion on war, trill on zombie banks & a trill on the failure of health care why don't we spend a Trill on American engineered & built solar technology. Leave the Chinese in there own coal fired soot & maybe we will sell them some American made products, for the first time since Clinton sold the PROC nuclear technology. Skip Carbon Credits & Bring on the Solar Credits
Original Photography
6 years ago