Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Penance of Glenn Beck -

The Penance of Glenn Beck - In 2012, the year after Beck left his Fox show (which at the time was one of the highest-rated shows in all of cable news), a Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll found that people who watched or listened to no news were better informed than those who watched Fox. According to the report, “The largest effect” of a news source “is that of Fox News: all else being equal, someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer just 1.04 domestic questions correctly — a figure which is significantly worse than if they had reported watching no media at all.”

Motive Still Unclear, Details on Maryland Shooting Suspect Emerge -

Motive Still Unclear, Details on Maryland Shooting Suspect Emerge - Last year, Maryland passed sweeping restrictions on gun ownership, including a ban on new purchases of assault weapons and a 10-round limit on magazines.

It was one of several states to pass such a measure after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, where 26 children and educators died.

But the new law would not have affected Mr. Aguilar’s purchase. Maryland does not regulate the sale of shotguns or rifles, and no permit is required to buy one.

Illinois proposes 'legalizing' medical marijuana as long as patients surrender Second Amendment rights

Illinois proposes 'legalizing' medical marijuana as long as patients surrender Second Amendment rights

Farmers Abandoning GMO Seeds and the Reason Will Surprise You

Farmers Abandoning GMO Seeds and the Reason Will Surprise You: The re-converts to non-GMO seeds are not hippies but conservative Midwestern farmers who are making a business decision, Modern Farmer discovered. They are switching back to natural seed because it is more profitable — not because of any ideology.

“Five years ago the [GMO seeds] worked,” said farmer Christ Huegerich, who along with his father planted GMO seeds. “I didn’t have corn rootworm because of the Bt gene, and I used less pesticide. Now, the worms are adjusting, and the weeds are resistant. Mother Nature adapts.”

Farmers can get paid more for conventional corn than GMO corn. Plus, Huegerich discovered, convention corn can produce more per acre. Modern Farmer reported that two years ago, Huegerich planted 320 acres of conventional corn and 1,700 with GMO corn. The conventional fields “yielded 15 to 30 more bushels per acre than the GMO fields, with a profit margin of up to $100 more per acre.” Last year, he planted convention corn in 750 acres.

Working Age Americans are the Majority of People on Food Stamps for the First Time | A Lightning War for Liberty

Working Age Americans are the Majority of People on Food Stamps for the First Time | A Lightning War for Liberty: For the first time ever, working-age people now make up the majority in U.S. households that rely on food stamps.
Food stamp participation since 1980 has grown the fastest among workers with some college training.
By education, about 28 percent of food stamp households are headed by a person with at least some college training, up from 8 percent in 1980.

Doves released in the Vatican are immediately attacked by seagull and crow | Mail Online

Doves released in the Vatican are immediately attacked by seagull and crow | Mail Online